Setting Your Home Up For Success

Spring has officially arrived and it is time to begin giving your home the refresh it needs after a long winter. Whether you look forward to spring cleaning, or run from buckets, mops, and dusters, every home could benefit from a good, deep clean.

Spring cleaning is not just about decluttering and organizing, however. Regular cleaning of your HVAC system, plumbing elements, and electrical systems around this time of the year will allow you to keep a better running and safer home.

Universe Home Services is here to help your systems get into tip top shape for the seasons ahead!


Your HVAC system will be responsible for a good portion of your comfort in the coming months. By cleaning and servicing the system, you’re setting yourself up for a comfortable season.

Replace Filters

Start your spring cleaning off by replacing your air filters. This will help with your indoor air quality, eliminating dust and other pollutants, while helping your HVAC system run smoother.

Schedule Maintenance

Give the team at Universe Home Services a call for your seasonal tune-up before warmer days arrive. Scheduling bi-annual maintenance appointments will allow your HVAC technician to make any necessary repairs or replacements and will help keep your system from breaking down this summer.

General Clean Up

Finally, keeping up with general cleaning will help your system’s overall performance. Here are a few cleaning to-do’s:

  • Dust vents and vent covers
  • Remove leaves, dirt, and other debris away from your outdoor component
  • Frequently mop and vacuum your floors to eliminate dust


Our plumbing systems require some recurring upkeep in order to continue performing at its best.

Schedule Maintenance

Summer is a busy time for most families, so scheduling any and all repairs for the springtime is always a great idea. This gets your plumbing fixtures in excellent shape for the many busy months ahead. So, don’t put off repairing that leaking faucet or the toilet that won’t flush and schedule an appointment today.

Drain Cleanings

Send spring cleaning all the way down your pipes by cleaning your drains. Keep in mind that your plumber does not recommend using store-bought drain cleaners as they contain harmful chemicals that can damage your pipes.

Instead, opt for a solution of baking soda and white vinegar to remove small blockages, or give your plumber a call for a professional drain cleaning.

Electrical System

Finally, let’s take a look at your electrical system and how it can benefit from some spring cleaning.

Replace Bulbs

Make a note of all the bulbs in your home and head to the hardware store to pick up replacement light bulbs. This is a great way to get all the lights in your home changed at once, without having to make frequent trips to the store throughout the year for different purchases.

Schedule Repairs

No one wants an unsafe home! Stop putting off electrical repairs and get them fixed today. This includes:

  • Loose or dead electrical outlets
  • Faulty wiring
  • Flickering lights
  • Short circuiting
  • Frequent breaker trips

If you’re looking for a team to help complete your spring cleaning to-do list, give Universe Home Services a call at (516) 473-0202 today. We’ll help you get the season started on the right foot!


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