Person turning on a ceiling fan with remote controll

One Call Installs Your Ceiling Fan!

Ceiling Fan Service on Long Island

Residents dedicated to living the Long Island life know the benefits of living in such a densely populated area. For all the convenient shops and restaurants to enjoy, homeowners still have to find ways to maximize cooling during long, hot summers. Universe Home Services can help by professionally installing a ceiling fan in your home that matches your air circulation needs and budget constraints.

Installing a Ceiling Fan Has Many Benefits

For such an affordable home upgrade, ceiling fans significantly impact your day-to-day life.

  • Improved airflow: One of the worst parts of a Long Island summer is being stuck inside with no circulating air. Ceiling fans help keep humidity under control while distributing a gentle breeze that takes the edge off the heat.
  • HVAC support: Because of better air circulation, your AC doesn’t have to work as hard to push cooled air around the house. This results in lower energy bills and can help extend the lifespan of your HVAC system.
  • Improved aesthetics: The right fan can boost the look of any room, and we’ll help you find the right fit for your style.
  • Overhead lighting: More options for lighting are always good if you’re meticulous about your home’s environment, and many sophisticated ceiling fans also function as overhead lighting.

Ceiling fans aren’t just great for keeping cool in the summer. They have a switch that allows you to change the fan rotation to clockwise. Doing this during winter creates an updraft that will distribute heated air more effectively without increasing the temperature.

Once you realize that ceiling fans can bring better comfort at a lower energy cost year-round, it’s hard to find a reason not to install them.

Call Universe Home Services at (516) 473-0202 to schedule a ceiling fan consultation on Long Island today.

What to Consider About Ceiling Fan Installation

Choosing the right ceiling fan is more complex than you might think. When working with customers to narrow down the range of appropriate options, we account for:

  • Room square footage
  • Ceiling height
  • Blade material and design
  • Motor quality, performance, and durability
  • Style and aesthetic
  • Lighting requirements
  • Energy efficiency
  • Location based on room layout
  • Optional controls and accessories

A professional installation will help you get the most value and utility from your new ceiling fan. It requires specialized knowledge and experience to install a ceiling fan in compliance with your building codes. We strongly recommend you call us for installation by a licensed and qualified technician.

For safe, up-to-code ceiling fan installation, call Universe Home Services at (516) 473-0202 and schedule an appointment today. 

Why Choose Universe Home Services?

Universe Home Services has led the charge for HVAC, plumbing, and electrical on Long Island and beyond for over 70 years. Our track record of superior service comes from a dedication to quality products and our hand-picked teams. Through money-saving coupons and financing options, we make it possible to get the services you need when you need them.

Call (516) 473-0202 today to schedule a ceiling fan installation for your home. 

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